
Pthread C Return
pthread c return

Example: Using Condition Variables. Waiting and Signaling on Condition Variables. Creating and Destroying Condition Variables.

Appendix A: Pthread Library Routines Reference.RETURN VALUE. References and More Information. LLNL Specific Information and Recommendations.

pthread c return

The return value from the pthreadcreate() call will be zero if its.(2) The use of return works because the POSIX specification says so. Pthreadexit(void value) § Exit thread and pass value to joining thread (if exists) Others: pthreadt me me pthreadself() § Allows a pthread to obtain its own identifier pthreadt thread Synchronizing access to shared variables § pthreadmutexinit, pthreadmutexunlock § pthreadcondinit, pthreadcondtimedwaitIn GNU/Linux, the pthread functions are not included in the standard C library. If pthreadcreate() completes successfully, thread will contain the ID of the created thread.Also, in main(), return will implicitly call exit(), and thus terminate the program, whereas pthread_exit() will merely terminate the thread, and the program will remain running until all threads have terminated or some thread calls exit(), abort() or another function that terminates the program. The thread is created running startroutine , with arg as the only argument. Lets take an example where we use the above discussed functions :It is returned by pthreadcreate() and used by the application in function calls that require a thread identifier.

Pthread C Return Code Should Go

But this should depend much on the application and is certainly not generalizable. This is why I often have the threads started detached. So your code should go through all final parts of routines on the call stack to do frees and alike.If the start_routine returns, the effect shall be as if there was anImplicit call to pthread_exit() using the return value ofFor my personal experience I tend to not use the status of terminated threads much. However, I tend to use higher level facilities such as the Boost thread library, and more recently the C++0x thread library, which provide alternative means for transferring values between threads such as futures, which avoid the problems associated with memory management that you allude to.I think that return from the start_routine is preferable, because it ensures that the call stack is properly unwound.This is even more important for C than C++ since it doesn't have the destructor magic that cleans up the mess after preliminary exits. The resources used by the thread are not reclaimed until pthread_join() is called.(3) I never use the return value of a thread in raw POSIX threads.

pthread c return